Strategic Alliances & Partnerships

Strategic Alliance:

8(a) Joint Venture with Advanced Matrix, Inc. – Advanced Matrix-AEM Group JV LLC


Strategic Partners:

1. O’Brien and Gere Engineers – AEM-OBG Environmental Services, JV, LLC  

2. Brockington & Associates, Inc. – Cultural Resources and Archaeological Services

3. Tierra Data, Inc., – NEPA Policy Services

4. Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc. (HMMH) – Airspace Analysis, Noise Assessments

5. Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) –Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys, Cultural and Archaeological Services

6. Apogee Environmental & Cultural Resource Services – Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys, Bat Surveys, Location and Tracking

7. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory – Water testing, Toxicology, Sediment and Water Assessment

8. RTI Laboratories – Laboratory Services