AEM Group has extensive experience in providing site assessment and remediation services to federal and industrial customers nationwide. Our professionals have assessed, designed, installed, and developed operation and maintenance (O&M) plans for semi-active sub-slab depressurization systems; provided lead abatements and radon mitigations services; and conducted site assessments for assessing environmental conditions.
Example Projects
Environmental Assessment (EA) For Establishment of Restricted Airspace to Permit Helicopter Aerial Gunnery and C-130 Drop Zone Training at Limestone Hills Training Area (LHTA), USAF, Montana
AEM Group is conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Malmstrom Air Force Base to establish aerial gunnery training areas and restricted airspace at the Limestone Hills Training Area in Broadwater County, Montana. The EA process includes the creation of a Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA); communication with relevant third parties through Interagency/Intergovernmental Coordination for Environmental Planning (IICEP) letters, tribal consultation, US Fish and Wildlife, and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO); an EA document; and a recommendation of Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), FONSI/FONPA, or and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In addition to the EA documents, AEM Group was also tasked with completing a set of comprehensive surveys for cultural resources, biological, airspace, air quality, and noise. The biological survey included consultation with the USFWS as per the Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation process. The species of interest include the Canada Lynx, North American Wolverine, Whooping Crane, Ute Ladies’-tresses (plant), and 25 migratory birds.
Soil Vapor intrusion/mitigation, Greenview Housing Development, Detroit MI.
AEM Group was contracted to design, install, and develop an operations and maintenance plan for a semi active sub-slab depressurization system at a public housing complex. The project included: system design, negotiated design approval with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), contractor procurement, development of construction specifications, technical oversight of installation, and development of an operations and maintenance plan (O&M). The system design was for a five single story units. Each unit has a vapor barrier beneath the floor slab on top of a gravel sub base. The sub base is vented through the roof of each unit. A wind driven turbine was installed on the terminus of each vent pipe. The system was tested for influence of vacuum across the entire footprint of the each unit.
Indoor Firing Range Lead Abatement and Radon Mitigation, US Army Corp of Engineers Louisville District, 88th Readiness Division
Under the IDIQ contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, AEM Group provided lead abatement and radon mitigation services for the 88th Regional Support Command of the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR). The project involved sampling and cleanup of Site Assessment / Remediation former Army National Guard (ANG) indoor firing ranges in North Dakota, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, and Iowa. Tasks included permanently sealing roof openings, vents, and other unused HVAC accesses, removing and replacing fixtures, and the removal, cleaning and return of equipment stored at the firing ranges.
Radon mitigation consisted of the installation of a sub floor slab depressurization system. Radon fans were selectively placed within the facilities to actively pump radon gas from below the floor of the buildings. These systems were installed at US Army Reserve Centers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Washington.