Mitigation & Remediation Services
AEM Group implements innovative, cost effective remedial strategies for soil, groundwater, air, indoor air, and other media. We work closely with our customers to determine the most appropriate remedial program. Our experienced staff complete turnkey projects that include conceptual design, installation, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of remedial systems including: monitored natural attenuation, soil vapor extraction, dual phase extraction, groundwater extraction, non-aqueous phase liquid removal, bioremediation and bioventing, air sparging, in-situ chemical oxidation, soil vapor intrusion, and soil excavation.
Mitigation & Remediation Services
AEM Group has extensive experience in probiding site assessment and remediation services to federal and indstrial customers nationwide. Our professionals have assessed, designed, installed and developed operation and maintenance (O & M) plans for semi-active sub-slab depresserization systems; provided led abatements and radon mitigations services; and conducted site assessments for evaluating environmental contditions.
- Brownfields remediation
- CERCLA program management
- Sustainable and green remediation
- Remedial design and action
- Operations and maintenance
- Vapor intrusion investigations and mitigation