Permits, Plans & Reports


  • Facility site selection studies and evaluations
  • Environmental impact analyses and evaluations
  • New source review (permit-to-construct) permit application preparation and negotiation
  • Annual reports
  • Title V (permit-to-operate) permit application preparation and negotiation
  • Air pollution control technology and equipment assessments
  • Stack emission evaluations
  • Ambient air monitoring and regulatory reviews and analyses
  • Air dispersion modeling for health-based risk assessments


  • Wastewater discharge permit application preparation and negotiation
  • Annual wastewater discharge reports
  • Stormwater management plan development
  • Wastewater and stormwater sampling
  • Spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan development
  • Critical materials list evaluation
  • Regulatory reviews and analyses


  • Waste stream characterization and evaluation
  • Biennial reports
  • Hazardous and nonhazardous transfer facility permit application preparation and negotiation
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit application preparation and negotiation
  • Ambient air monitoring plan preparation
  • Air and water sampling
  • RCRA training