Past Performance

Federal Contracts


AEM Group has conducted preliminary assessments/site investigations (PA/SI) updates and a potentially responsible party (PRP) search for the USFS. AEM Group has also conducted compliance audits for USFS facilities in several states.


AEM Group conducts lead abatement and radon mitigation installment services for former indoor military firing range facilities in the Midwest and has completed an integrated natural resources management plan (INRMP) for the USACE.


AEM Group conducts due-diligence and site reconnaissance for the United States Department of Agriculture as a prime contractor under a five-year national blanket purchase agreement (BPA). Over 5,000 projects in 49 states have been completed since October 2008.


AEM Group is a subcontractor to one of the five largest architectural and engineering firms in the world that provides support for policy and regulatory development by the Office of Surface Water.

I just wanted to write and let you know what an excellent job [AEM Group employee] did on the EPA ARRA site visits last week. [Employee] was very courteous and patient with all of the grant recipients [employee] visited. [Employee] was also very well prepared for each visit, which helped things move along very smoothly.

— R. H.,
Construction Management Engineer

AEM Group is a subcontractor to one of the five largest architectural and engineering firms in the world that provides support for policy and regulatory development by the Office of Surface Water.

VA Hospital

AEM Group is a subcontractor to a service-disabled veteran-owned business that provides lead inspections and lead risk-assessment services to Veteran Administration hospitals. This work includes construction support such as reviewing VA specifications, encapsulation/abatement cost estimates, and demolition plans for conformance to standards.

Asbestos inspection and assessment programs

AEM Group staff developed, managed, and performed large-scale asbestos inspection and assessment programs for buildings located at a National Guard base.

Relevant industrial and commercial projects


AEM Group conducted a multiyear preliminary field and statistical evaluation of the fate and transport of mercury in a limited Great Lakes region, which AEM Group used to develop a human health-risk assessment for exposure to mercury for the study area.

Groundwater remediation systems

AEM Group manages groundwater remediation systems for commercial clients, both state-level sites and Superfund sites.

Regulatory development support

AEM Group staff prepared Environmental Impact Assessments of new and amended federal and state regulations.

Site characterization

AEM Group has delineated the extent of soil and groundwater pollution at large industrial and commercial sites, and conducted facility assessments for PCBs, lead, and asbestos.

Due diligence

AEM Group has conducted numerous environmental due diligence studies for our clients in 17 states. Here is the map of states where we have worked.

Compliance inspections

AEM Group has conducted numerous environmental compliance inspections for our clients in 37 states. Here is the map of states where we have worked.