- General company information:
- Company name
- Street address
- Mailing address
- City, State/Province, ZIP code/Postal code, Country
- Owner
- Authorized decisionmakers(s)
- Contact name and phone number(s)
- Are you QS or ISO 9000 registered?
- Are you ISO 14001 registered?
- Processes located at the facility. We will need brief descriptions:
- General manufacturing
- Surface coating
- Boilers, process/space heaters
- Number of burners, heat input per burner in BTU/hour, type of fuel used
- Miscellaneous equipment, for example, cold cleaners, metal cutting/grinding machinery
- Emission control equipment such as incinerators, baghouses, scrubbers, carbon beds
- Current concerns
- Other relevant information may include:
- MSDS sheets and vendors’ data sheets
- Copies of permits and relevant correspondence
- Drawings (remember to indicate north, and to provide a scale)
- We won’t need everything at the first conversation, but it will be helpful if you know what information you can get your hands on.